The first complete social networking experience empowering you to live your best life. Learn unique insights about building and sustaining a modern-day thriving tribe by joining the Tribe Conversation and stay informed on the TribeUp app coming soon
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Life is interaction with people, places, and things. Tribbing is frequent interaction with the same people, places, and things. Your tribe exists within five circles of influence and as you become conscious about your interactions you create your best life and best business. You become more efficient, effective, and productive and make your greatest contributions to your tribe and society.
Brett Labit – Founder and CEO of TribeUp
Your network is your net worth
Consider that your network is your net worth and life worth. It is primarily composed of interactions with family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, colleagues, providers, and clients. This is your tribe. Interactions are an investment of either time, money, or energy, or any combination of the three. Doing it consciously brings your biggest returns.
Our relationships are our riches
The 2nd circle of influence in your tribe is the “relationship” circle. There is limited space for approximately 150 (The Dunbar Number) manageable relationships in your life, and we call this circle your core tribe. Knowing who they are how to nurture them honors the treasure that they are.
It is not what you know but who you know
Scaling a successful life and business is about what you know, who you know, who wants to know you back, and how they respond to who you are. Tribing consciously creates your highest and best by attracting and sustaining these loyal and valuable advocates.
To accelerate personal and professional success by empowering tribal consciousness
500 million people globally, tribing consciously and responsibly by 2030
To deliver unique insights and cutting-edge technology that provide a real social experience with real people living real life. To be a company and a cause that is dedicated to reversing the negative impacts and fallout of the current social construct.
Allison Anker – Health and Wellness Coach, Educator, and Founder of Kiatsugi
The concepts and ideas shared in the Tribe Conversation have been invaluable in my life.
Ben Wilkening – Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Marque Media
Since first participating in the Tribe Conversation, I’ve become more discerning toward drawing in and establishing influence.
Pilisa Rainbow Lady – Owner/Artist, AMusinGlass Studio
The Tribe Conversation is my favorite conversation of the week because tribal conversations are so similar to partnership conversations.
Join the Tribe Conversation and begin learning the perspective, philosophy, principles, and practices of modern-day thriving tribes. Get unique insights and practical steps to growing your tribe and influence and living your best life through elevated social interaction. The conversation will get you ready for the TribeUp app and the evolution of social networking.
Join the Tribe Conversation