The first Native Social CRM with S.P.A.
technology and infiltration defense.
What is a Native Social CRM?
card to CRM to social feed.
Digital Card
Create & easily share your personal
& professional digital cards.
Relation Manager
Complete management of your contacts.
Tag, sort, and filter any list of contacts for
any reason.
Autonomous Stream
Brace yourself for STREAM! It’s a secret
for now but coming soon!
What is a Native Social CRM?
Digital Card
Create & easily share your personal & professional digital cards.
Relation Manager
Complete management of your contacts.
Tag, sort, and filter any list of contacts for
any reason.
Autonomous Stream
Brace yourself for STREAM! It’s a secret for now but coming soon!
Introducing S.P.A.
& Infiltration Defense
S.P.A. is our commitment to develop an application that is Secure, Private, and Autonomous. Securing your data, even from ourselves. Privacy from the outside world so only your tribe can access you. Autonomy & complete control over your social experience. A closed network with infiltration defense against bots, scams, spam, solicitations, advertising, unwanted requests, and unwanted messaging.