About Us


To accelerate personal and professional success by empowering tribal consciousness


500 million people globally, tribing consciously and responsibly by 2030


To deliver unique insights and cutting-edge technology that provide a real social experience with real people living real life.  To be a company and a cause that is dedicated to reversing the negative impacts and fallout of the current social construct.

Our Story

It was 2012 and I was still in a funk from the 2008 financial crisis.  I uttered these words out loud to myself, “I need to either lay down and die or get up and live, but no more in between”.  At 42 years old I had come to a place where things just did not seem to be making sense.  My personal and professional success had crashed and in addition, I was noticing strong indicators that modern society was severely fragmented and sick.

I obviously chose to get up and live, but not the way I had been accustomed to.  At 42 I had to rebuild my paradigm and foundation for being and that meant getting rid of the old to make room for the new.  This required deep introspection and observation and then inquiry and new discovery.

I set out to solve two major problems.  First, who and what will I be to create the personal and professional success I want for myself.  Secondly, if what I find is good for me, will it be good for others and will it make a positive impact on society.  TribeUp is the result of over 10 years in this process now and I am happy to say that I believe we are on a great trajectory.

Our Philosophy

Life is interaction with people, places, and things, nothing more and nothing less.

We are only able to interact in the present moment, one moment at a time.  Each of us can greatly impact the well-being of our world by becoming conscious of the highest and best interactions we can have.  It is the key to our personal, professional, and planetary success.  We are responsible for our own interactions and that is all.  We are not responsible for others, although we may inspire and influence them.

Most of our life is lived inside of a social architecture that we call the five circles of influence.  The people, places, and things that we FREQUENTLY interact with are inside of these five circles and they are our tribe.  We call the art of interacting with our five circles, tribal consciousness.  We are dedicated to empowering you with tribal consciousness to better interact with your tribe, causing a massive trajectory improvement for the global social construct and for your personal and professional success.

Our Technology

We must keep it pure, secure, and make it endure.  Our commitment is to build, and to continue building a real social platform with real people that are living real life.  It needs to have the utmost privacy and security, free from bots, free from advertising, free from big tech greed, free from censorship, and free from stealing your data.  It must be efficient, effective, and productive to promote good stewardship of time, money, and energy for our users.

TribeUp is a social trifecta.  As the technology matures it will provide three modes of shareable digital cards to begin any type of personal or professional exchange.  As you share a card and the other person shares their information back through the TribeUp app, they will automatically be placed into our unique CRM that we call a TRM or Tribe Relation Manager.  Your digital cards will be directly integrated with the CRM feature and will also be fully integrated into the TribeUp social networking community.

This will be the first app of its kind with digital business card, CRM, and social network, all in one seamless and frictionless app.  You will be able to attract, invite, engage, and manage your tribe all in one place, ultimately generating the rewards of tribal consciousness and practices.

Our Business Model

For power users that want to accelerate building their tribe and convert their network to net worth and life worth, we offer a premium monthly membership at $15.  Premium gives full access to everything they will need in our CRM feature to manage and engage their entire tribe.  Our pricing is below market value for anything that could be combined to provide similar benefits.  The cancel premium subscription button will be easy to find and hassle free.

All users will have access to a 30-day free trial of our premium membership with no credit card required.  If a user wants to try the features and see the benefits, they can do it comfortably with no risk and no hassle.  They simply activate the trial with a button and confirm they want it, and all features will be added.  At the end of the 30 days, they will get notice to add their payment method to keep the features or revert back to standard membership.

For power users that want to accelerate building their tribe and convert their network to net worth and life worth, we offer a premium monthly membership at $15.  Premium gives full access to everything they will need in our CRM feature to manage and engage their entire tribe.  Our pricing is below market value for anything that could be combined to provide similar benefits.  The cancel premium subscription button will be easy to find and hassle free.

All users will have access to a 30-day free trial of our premium membership with no credit card required.  If a user wants to try the features and see the benefits, they can do it comfortably with no risk and no hassle.  They simply activate the trial with a button and confirm they want it, and all features will be added.  At the end of the 30 days, they will get notice to add their payment method to keep the features or revert back to standard membership.

Our Training

New and potential users can attend The Tribe Conversation on Saturdays via zoom or see our YouTube channel to watch the videos.  The Tribe Conversation gives an overview of the perspective, philosophy, principles, and practices of a tribal conscious leader and weaves in the important elements of the app.

Our articles section on TribeUp.com provides short insights for ongoing learning and discovery into how tribal consciousness empowers us to create more personal and professional success while positively contributing to the social construct.

More advanced training will be available as we progress.


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