The Five Circles of Influence and Impact
The 5th Circle
We believe the tribe conversation is critically important as it creates and distinguishes the language and structure of a modern-day thriving tribe for you. As you develop the 4P’s; perspective, philosophy, principles, and practices of a thriving tribe, you expand your tribal consciousness and begin to master important causal interactions that become the foundations for success and achievement in all areas of life.
The TribeUp Success triad
Live Your Best Life Now
Achieve Your Highest Aims Now
Make Your Greatest Contribution to Society Now
The 5th Circle-PING is the outermost concentric circle of the five circles of influence and impact, which make up the structure of your tribe. Mastering this circle is critical to a thriving tribe. It is the doorway for others to access your time, money, and energy and careful consideration should be given as to who moves inward into the 4th circle-INTENTION. Too many people allow or choose to invest too much in the wrong people and not enough in the right ones. Wise stewardship, discernment, discovery, assessment, and choice are important here. It is where you assess who and what will make their way deeper into your tribe and receive more from you.
We want to develop the 6I’s to be more conscious of who and what get elevated(E1) and invited inward. Consider the potential importance, intention, interaction, investment, influence, and impact. Is this an important relation for you and your life by design? What will the intention be if you are able to recognize it now? What is the nature of the interaction and what will it require from you to nurture? How much are you willing to invest? Will the potential influence and impact justify the investment?
We are describing a more conscious way of touching, making contact, and interacting in the outer fringes of your tribe. It may seem mechanical at first and that is part of the progression of learning. The goal is to generate from the level of unconscious competence where it becomes natural and doesn’t require much thought but still we remain conscious and present to each unique interaction.
One might think they can make everyone and everything important. This is naive. To make someone important you must prioritize time, money, or energy or all three. Choosing one thing means you unchoose something else at the same time. You can not and will not make everyone and everything important. It is simply not possible. This is why we choose consciously who we will elevate to INTENTION.
A bigger, stronger, and more meaningful core tribe (the two most inward circles) begins with the expansion(E4) and quantity of the 5th circle, with one caveat. If you are in a state of being that is successful and you have a strong energy signature, quantity in the 5th circle will lead to quality in your core tribe. If you are not, you will continue to attract, damage, and repel most chances for quality. Simultaneously, we must be conscious of success (as a way of being, not achievement) as we implement the activities to build in the PING circle.
The outer line of the PING circle is the line between being inside or outside of your tribe. Unlike other tribes in life, we determine inclusion by frequency of interaction. You can choose what frequency of interaction means to you. I will tell you after being deep in this conversation for over ten years, I chose at least once per year as the frequency for inclusion in my tribe.
A ping is a touch, contact, interaction. It can be a physical encounter, a message, an email, etc.. It is an interaction in which a perception and judgment gets made, reciprocally. We and they both form perceptions and judgments. Just to clarify, I am talking of healthy judgment, not judging less or better than.
PING is like a sonar signal that goes out to the person, we will stick to people for now, and comes back with information. It is the first stage of discovery with that person. It is possible that a ping never moves past that first stage of discovery even if it happens somewhat frequently. More frequent does not mean more inward, however more inward does mean more frequent.
The first type of PING happens as we live life. On a normal day for me, I go to a coffee shop in the morning, and I might interact with a barista or two and maybe a customer or two. These are random pings because I don’t intend to interact necessarily. I am just there to get my coffee, and interaction is a consequence of getting my coffee. If we didn’t interact frequently, I would not consider them part of my tribe. However, I frequent the same coffee shops and I know many of my baristas by name and they know me. We interact frequently and they and I are influenced and impacted slightly so they are part of my tribe, and on the outskirts. These are random PINGS taking place while we live our life.
An intentional PING can happen if you choose to send a text to someone in your phone you haven’t talked to for some time. You want to intentionally contact them specifically and so you do. This does not mean they are in your 4th circle-INTENTION, it means you are being intentional about this one contact or PING, this one time. Additionally, maybe someone makes an introduction or sends you a referral. As you contact or PING this person, that is an intentional PING.
Whether a PING is random or intentional, the person does not get moved to the 4th circle-INTENTION until you are willing, ready, and committed to nurturing them continuously. Intent to PING is not intent to nurture. It is still the first stage of discovery.
We just scratched the surface of PING and the early practices of a Tribe Builder. If you want more, explore The Tribe Conversation page and find ways to enter deeper into the conversation. Until then, tribe well!